The Odra is the second largest river of Poland and the major waterway. Analysed in the study were the hydrological data collected from the gauging stations of Słubice, Gozdowice, Widuchowa and Szczecin (Most Długi). The data included the daily river stages recorded in 1947 – 2003, the flows from 1949 – 1983, and the ice phenomena observed in 1947
– 2003. Variability and characteristics of the hydrological phenomena observed on the lower Odra are of the key importance
for the national economy and the people, not only in Poland but also in Germany.
Orlewicz S., Mroziński Z. (2002), Hydrologia Doliny Dolnej Odry W: J. Jasnowska (red.), Dolina dolnej Odry, monografia przyrodnicza parku krajobrazowego, Szczecińskie Towarzystwo Naukowe, Szczecin.
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