Pedagogiki, Akademia Humanistyczno – Ekonomiczna w Łodzi, filia w Wodzisławiu Śląskim, Polska
Submission date: 2021-07-20
Final revision date: 2022-02-05
Acceptance date: 2022-03-02
Publication date: 2022-06-20
Corresponding author
Michał Kotala
Pedagogiki, Akademia Humanistyczno – Ekonomiczna w Łodzi, filia w Wodzisławiu Śląskim, oś. 1-go Maja 23b, 44-304, Wodzisław Śląski, Polska
Abstract: Games are often placed at opposite poles and understood in a completely different way. Some people criticise them and perceive as a threat while the others cherish the games as a blessing and an opportunity for development. These opinions, often ambivalent, seem to be excessively polarised. A similar approach can be noticed in the area of health where health is often understood only as a lack of any particular disease.
Such an approach, both in the area of health and games, appears to be unjustified as the reality is more complex and can be described as a continuum. The opposite ends of that continuum are presented with the help of two ancient characters, Nimrod and Abram. Material and methods: . Results: . Conclusions: .
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