Alternative methods of teaching pre-school children to read
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Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
Publication date: 2020-01-31
Rozprawy Społeczne/Social Dissertations 2019;13(3):84-95
In recent years many new conceptions of teaching how to read appeared in Poland, which are conventionally called “methods”. The best known of them include: the Good Start Method by M. Bogdanowicz, the simultaneous-sequential method of teaching to read by J. Cieszyńska, the phonetic-literal-coloured method by B. Rocławski, or the alliance of methods by E. Arciszewska. The presented alternative methods give the opportunity to conduct teaching in the way that is “imperceptible” by a child and which he or she perceives as fun or pursuit , rather than burden.. The implementation of the above-mentioned conception of teaching to read at the stage of kindergarten aims at preparing a child to start education at primary school. It is the teachers who are responsible for this important task. Hence, it was decided to analyse the knowledge of alternative methods of teaching to read among the teachers of pre-school education: if and which of these methods are applied by them in practice? Is there a need to seek or to use new, innovative ways of teaching pre-school children to read? It is a crucial question for both education theorists and teaching practitioners who have long been looking for the most effective and optimal method preparing pre-school children to start teaching to read at primary school. A diagnostic survey method was used in the research, and the technique was a questionnaire. The results of the conducted research allowed to indicate the alternative methods of teaching to read, known and used among the teachers of pre-school education. Unfortunately, summarizing the above considerations implies that ground-breaking educational solutions, thought appearing at the level of pre-school education—are not present in a insufficient degree.
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