In the paper the author’s strategic vision of how to use faculty development in changing the culture of Ukrainian
higher education so that to create productive teaching and learning environment has been suggested. The investigation has
been presented as a comparative study of faculty development practices at Michigan State University (USA) and a number of
Ukrainian higher institutions. The analysis of the model of an American university has been carried on-site during a shortterm research visit and the most relevant and needed practices to be implemented in Ukraine have been identiϐied. The
results of the investigation are the key guidelines and principles to be undertaken to make the integration of MSU model
into Ukrainian educational environment possible. The author’s idea also implies that it’s not only the resources and funding
that a Ukrainian university lacks on the way to successful FD program launching, but it’s more of the attitudinal reason that
needs to be mended in the mind of university faculty. Thus a change in academic culture should take place. This culture
should possess speciϐic and appropriate for Ukrainian society coloring. The research, in its turn, triggers the importance
of constructing speciϐically directed study on creating programs for bringing the mentioned changes to life at a Ukrainian
university which will be the object of investigation in further scientiϐic papers of the author.
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DeZure, D., Chism, N., Sorcinelli, M.D., Cheong, G., Ellozy, A., Holley, M., Kazem, B., & Atrushi, D. (2012). Building International Faculty Development Collaborations: The Evolving Role of American Teaching Centers. Change, May/June, 2012.
Gillespie, K.H. and Associates (2002). A Guide to Faculty Development: Practical Advice, Examples, and Resources. Bolton, Anker Publishing Company, Inc. Massachusetts.
Roe, E. (1986). Practical reform an utopian vision – the dialectic of development? In J.Jones and M.Horsburgh (eds) Research and Development in Higher Education. HERDSA, Sydney, 18-28.
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