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Abstract: The aim of the thisisis to analyze the healthbehavior of medicalstudents. Material and methods: The research was conducted among 290 students of 3 fields:90 studying obstetrics,99 studying physiotherapy and 101 studying nursing. The diagnostic survey method was used, using tools such as:self-constructed questionnair and diagnostic scales (SES by M.Rosenberg, IZZ Z.Jurczyński, IPAQ). Results: The most respondents lead anaverage healthy lifestyle.A healthy lifestyle is the most common among physiotherapy students (32.3%) and unhealthy among nursing students (8.9%). As the Chi-2 test showed, there is a statistically significant relationship between the field of study and lifestyle. The most respondents assess their physical fitness level as average. High physical fitness is characterized by significantly more physiotherapy students (37.4%) than obstetrics (11.1%) and nursing (14.9%). Conclusions: The group of research students leads an average healthy lifestyle. Physiotherapy students are the largest group leading a healthyl ifestyle (32.3%). In turn,an unhealthy lifestyle can be seen in 8.9% of nursing students.
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