Abstract: The purpose of this paper was to investigate the relationship between hikikomori syndrome and new technological development. Material and methods: The research was based on a literature review and its aim is to summarise the data available to this day. Results: Internet addiction and its relationship with hikikomori (including some similarities between them, its consequences, and the chicken-and-egg dilemma) and unclear definition of hikikomori in the times of the new technologies were analysed. Positive aspects of technology's influence on hikikomori, such as usage of games like Pokémon GO or robots, were also included. Lastly, virtual reality and its changes were considered, including new solutions that tap into new technologies. Conclusions: It has been shown that there are similarities between hikikomori and Internet addiction. However, the connection hasn't been investigated precisely. The therapies based on AR games and robots have a temporary effect, but there is a chance to use them as part of the therapy.
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