Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, Katedra Kultury Fizycznej i Fizjoterapii
Publication date: 2019-07-22
Corresponding author
Anna Pańczuk
Anna Pańczuk, Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa, Zakład Fizjoterapii, ul. Sidorska 105, 21-500 Biała Podlaska,, tel.: 83 344 99 00
Despite the observed increase in awareness of physical activity’s influence on health most
of our society does not see this relation. Meanwhile, physical activity should be treated as
a centre around which the whole healthy lifestyle’s strategy can be built. However, physical
activity must be below peak values, moderate, properly applied, and loads must increase
gradually and systematically.
The aim of the research was to get to know some aspects of participation in physical activity
and knowledge on this subject among the students of the University of the Third Age in the
Biała Podlaska. 100 persons aged 50 to 85 were examined.
Physical activity adapted to the elderly’s needs and capabilities is the best way to keep fitness
and life’s independence until late old age. This statement is confirmed by conclusions: 1) The
elderly from the University of the Third Age in Biała Podlaska preferably spend their time
actively. Half of them devote 2 to 4 hours a week for physical activities. 2) The main motive
behind being physically active is the desire to improve health. 3) The questioned believe
that physical activity lowers the risk of high blood-pressure, arteriosclerosis, overweight
and obesity, and diabetes. The most often pointed forms of physical activity are: continuous
and mixture of continuous and strength training. 4) The questioned do not see any external
barriers which could hamper their taking up physical activity. Every third respondent
considers his or her own bad shape to be a handicap in being active.
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