Abstract: Purpose of the work. The article examines the impact of the government program "Family 500+" on the material deprivation of children in Poland. Material and methods: The article uses the method of statistical analysis. The research material was statistical data from the Eurostat database. Results: Studies have shown a significant decline in indicators of material deprivation among target groups support program, i.e. poor families with many children. A slightly smaller decrease in material deprivation rates concerned single parents, families with one child and two children. Poland has made significant progress in reducing material deprivation rates among children, compared to other EU countries. Conclusions: The program is effective where accumulation of benefits occurs because of the number of children in the household. However, where such an effect does not occur, i.e. in families with one child or in single-parent families, it has a smaller impact. The new version of the program can change this situation.
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