Pedagogium Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Społecznych w Warszawie
Publication date: 2019-07-23
Corresponding author
Lidia Marszałek
Lidia Marszałek, Pedagogium Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Społecznych w Warszawie, ul. Marszałkowska 115, 00-102 Warszawa, e-mail:, tel.: 22 620 76 54
Early and middle childhood is the best time for shaping religiosity of a child because religious structures of
holistic character. Childhood is characterised by significant openness and religious readiness. Sensitivity to religion is much
stronger in case of children than in case of adults, because this experience is purely intuitive, and it is not contaminated
with reasonable intellectualism. The relation with God goes beyond an intellectual ground and it takes place deep inside
at the existential level, therefore children, because of their special qualities, have exceptional abilities of experiencing this
relation in an intuitive way. The following treatise is to characterise the special character of a child’ religiosity in the context
of their natural qualities of development and to determine the aspects which make the direct contact with God so “unique
and inimitable” in case of children.
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